Personalized Birthday Wish Message
Funny Customized Greetings Video for All Occasions
Happy Birthday Funny Custom Greeting Video
All Occasion Funny Custom-made Video Greetings
Custom Video Visual Greetings
Traditional greeting cards are boring and lame.
Why mail a greeting card when you can use our 2020 digital technology? Our comedic personalized greeting videos are better at sending the right and beautiful messages to loved ones.
Want to send your loved ones and colleagues emotional yet funny well wishes but not sure how? We can help! Show love to those you appreciate today.
Our unorthodox non-traditional greeting video alternatives will evoke more gratitude from your recipient because you stepped out of the box — to send them something more unique and customized.
We offer an exciting and fun video to get around traditional cards, yet getting your recipient gushing appreciation when they get the greeting video.
People are crazily in love with video today. Custom-made video greetings, just like personalized greeting cards, are far more emotionally laden than your “boring” traditional greeting card.
We offer an amazing platform where you can select your story-telling character, tell us your message, and share your custom video as visual greetings to your loved ones or colleagues.
We customize your message to any occasion with our hilarious cast of Improv characters. Personalized Celebrity Video messages.
Convey good wishes for any occasion.
Hilarious Animated Videos | Make Them Laugh For Their B’day
Celebrate friends and family on social media. Celebrate anniversaries and special events with our personalized funny greeting videos. Keep in touch and remind everyone that you are thinking of them. Our videos will help you to express all human emotions such as joy, thanks, sympathy, humor, love, and admiration.
Get the best personalized birthday wish message online and surprise someone you know! Great for Social media posts to let your loved ones know you care! Get a personalized birthday wish delivered remotely online and surprise someone you know. If you can’t be with your loved one on their Birthday, Surprise them with a fun and silly video by sending good wishes with our fun-loving characters.
it’s easy! Here’s how it Works:
Cost: $20 per Birthday Message – One Minute Video
Includes: Green Screen Custom Animated Greetings Background with Custom Name of your Celebration Person plus a high-quality digital download video
Delivery Time: 3 days from your order date
First, select One of Four Wacky Characters BELOW to deliver your Birthday Wish Message:
Joey Bag O’ Doughnuts
Surfer Dude
Disco Man
Second, tell us some interesting Greetings facts about your Celebration Person such as:
– Their name
– What Celebration? Birthday, Mother’s Day, Anniversary
– Date of their Celebration
– Age of Person
– City and State Where they live
– Why they are special to you
– Who the message is from
– What you like about them
– Their Hobbies or Pets
– An Experience or Vacation Funny Moment
That’s it!
We will create a special custom video visual greeting and get it quickly done and delivered remotely online.
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