Santa Barbara Social Distancing DJ Event Music Truck

Social Distancing Wedding DJ Santa Barbara Vintage Pickup Truck

1951 F2 Ford Classic DJ Event Farm Truck

Your actions save lives!
As California reopens, Californians must follow best practices:
Wear a face covering, wash your hands, stay home when sick.

California is working around the clock to respond to COVID-19.

What is social distancing?

Social distancing is a set of actions taken to stop or slow the spread of a highly contagious disease.

The goal of social distancing is to limit face-to-face contact to decrease the spread of illness among people in community settings.

Our 1951 F2 Ford Farm Truck allows us to play DJ Music on the pickup flatbed at a safe minimum distance from human contact of 30 feet.
We bring the speakers, Santa Barbara DJs, the mixing board, and wireless microphone to play music while guests enjoy a safe music listening experience.

The 1951 Ford pickup was a pivotal member of Ford’s “Bonus Built” line of postwar trucks. The line was announced early in 1948 and ran through 1952. It was the broadest roster in Ford truck history, spanning vehicles from half-ton pickups to three-ton commercial haulers.

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The first-generation of the Ford F-Series is a series of trucks that was produced by Ford in North America from 1947 to 1952. The introduction of the F-Series marked the divergence of Ford car and truck design, developing a chassis intended specifically for truck use.

Across North America, Ford assembled F-Series trucks at sixteen different facilities during its production. In Canada, Lincoln-Mercury sold the F-Series under the Mercury M-Series nameplate to expand coverage in rural areas. The first generation of the F-Series is the sole generation produced entirely with “Flathead” engines (inline-6 and V8) and without an automatic transmission option.

The only thing certain about our new event-going reality is that the old rules and assumptions are no longer operative, and there’s no way to tell at this point when we’ll return to pre-pandemic musical experiences.