Here’s a fun idea for a Wedding Bridal Party Grand Entrance with MC-DJ Scott Topper:

The Grand Entrance is presented like a sports introduction, light hearted and funny.
Here is a link to a funny video of Will Farrell doing intros before a basketball game.

10 Grand Entrance from Alex Caballero on Vimeo.

Hopefully provides some context haha.

Will Ferrell Introduces NBA Teams: Chicago Bulls at New Orlean Hornets Full Video

Wednesday night’s Hornets-Bulls game in New Orleans, Will Ferrell can now add real-life NBA announcer to his resume.

Ferrell offered his services introducing the starting lineups of both teams before the game, and it went about as well as you could expect. See, Ferrell is so busy working on his new political comedy “Dog Fight” with Zach Galifianakis that he just didn’t have the time to research every basketball player’s alma mater, hobbies and highlights. So instead, he just made some stuff.

Classic Ferrell.

“He doesn’t speak a lick of English” and “After retirement he wants to be rodeo clown” are just a couple of the outlandish “facts” the “Blades Of Glory” star rattles off in the clip above. Watch him introduce the Hornets’ starting five in his signature bravado there and click here to watch him do his full announcement.

Will Ferrell , Video , Comedy Clips , Will Ferrell Basketball , Will Ferrell Bulls , Will Ferrell Hornets Bulls , Will Ferrell Hornets , Will Ferrell Introduces Hornets , Will Ferrell Starting Lineups , Comedy News

They will be introduced in pairs. To eliminate confusion here is a script of how to introduce everyone with their captions;

For Our First couple, She is a Yoga instructor to the stars and he moonlights as a Helicopter Pilot for the Ventura Beach Fire Department…
Please Welcome Kimberly Driscoll and Connor Biersch

She is a Physical Therapist who fell asleep during every anatomy class in grad school, and he believes he has had mononucleosis for the last 15 years, so keep your distance!…
Please Welcome Hilary Miranda and Ryan Kiley

She is an All-American Softball catcher that now uses her skills to win Beer Pong Championships and He is personally responsible for causing a world shortage of Ranch dressing and Mayonnaise…
Please Welcome Jami Trinidad and Brian Anderson

She seriously gave birth three weeks ago, and he is the only person we know that has Pi memorized to the 300th digit, and his middle name is Whittney….
Please Welcome Kimberli Woodard and Michael Klein

She loved College nights of Wheel of Fortune with some quality Lambrusco and He is obsessed with Mike Napoli, Bull Dog’s, and verbally abusing cab drivers….
Please Welcome Jenny Bare and Christopher Turner

She will send her personal driver to pick you up at the airport, or bar, and he is a doomsday prepper who thinks the world’s central banks are watching you. He even owns an Ebola proof mask….
Please Welcome the Maid of Honor and Best Man, Lauren Doop and Blake Curci

For the lip synch battle here is the link to the example of the song for Selena. It’s Emma Stone performing All I Do Is Win by DJ Khaled on the Jimmy Fallon Show. The part she wants to use starts at about 5:40 of the clip. The version they use for this lip sync is mash of two parts of the song.

Lip Sync Battle with Emma Stone from The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

For my song I’ll do I’m The Man by Aloe Blacc. Approx. 0:05 through 1:35 on this clip.

For our duet, we’re planning on Ain’t No Mountain High Enough by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell. Approx. 0:01 through 1:15 on this clip.

Then for the final SURPRISE song (Selena doesn’t know about it), I’ll do Right Where We Are by Ed Sheeran. Approx. 0:51 through 1:51 on this clip.